Devesh Vashishtha
"It is my pleasure to endorse Dr. Devesh Vashishtha for the Poway Unified School Board. I am confident that Dr. Devesh possesses the skills and insights necessary to address the needs of the District and elevate Poway Unified to new heights. As a dedicated medical professional, Dr. Devesh brings valuable expertise that prioritizes the health, wellness, and best interests of every student. His commitment to enhancing the well-being of all people makes him the ideal candidate for Area A, and I fully support his candidacy."
Carol Osborne
Retired Associate Superintendent, PUSD Learning Support Services
"Dr. Devesh Vashishtha is the positive and collaborative leader we need at PUSD. As a family physician and parent of young children, he will invest in student well-being and the long-term success of our school district. I see his medical expertise and commitment to our patients, and I’m excited to endorse Dr. Devesh for Poway School Board!"
Dr. Erin Fortune
Pediatrician, PUSD Parent


Elected Officials

Dr. Darshana Patel, PUSD Trustee and candidate for CA Assembly District 76

Michelle O’Connor-Ratcliff, PUSD Trustee and Board President

Heather Plotzke, PUSD Trustee

Marni Von Wilpert, San Diego City Councilmember

Sabrina Bazzo, SD Unified School Board Member

Marcus Bush, National City Councilmember


Poway Federation of Teachers

Democratic Party of San Diego

San Diego and Imperial Counties Labor Council

San Diego Building and Construction Trades Council

AAPI Democratic Club

Democrats for Equality

Democratic Education Alliance

Rancho Bernardo Democratic Club

Rancho Peñasquitos Democratic Club

Poway Democratic Club

National Eating Disorders Network

PUSD Teachers

Annette Abadi, VAPA Vision

Jyothi Biligiri, Westview High PreSchool

Mary Lou Harshman, Park Village Elementary

Lynn Lorimer, Del Sur Elementary

Amber Richards, Del Sur Elementary

Community Members

Katie Kemple, PUSD Parent

Lindsay N. Ball, Marketing Executive, Former PUSD School Site Council Representative

Dr. H. Scott Kane, Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist, Senior Medical Director of Psychiatry for Palomar Health, PUSD Parent

Dr. Griselda Higuera, Pediatrician and PUSD Parent

Dr. Emiliano S. Higuera, Pediatrician and PUSD Parent

Hariharan Janakiraman, PUSD Parent

Ranjan Ramachandra, PUSD Parent

Dr. Marcia I. Faustin, head physician, US Women’s Gymnastics Team

Melinda Vásquez, Attorney, Former President of the Rancho Peñasquitos Town Council

Sumathi Iyengar, PUSD Parent

Vinay Iyengar, PUSD Parent

Mary Anne Wesson, Residential Appraisal Manager (retd.) and PUSD community member

Randy Wesson, PUSD middle school teacher (retd.) and Division Commander for US Coast Guard Auxillary

Sid Voorakkara, past Chair of City of San Diego’s Ethics Commission and Senior Partner at ArroyoWest, LLC

Dr. Eric Rafla-Yuan, Psychiatrist, chair of 988 Equity and Accessibility Working Group

Dr. Gavin Huntley-Fenner, past Irvine USD Board Member and Principal Consultant, Huntley-Fenner Advisors, Inc.

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